Icon for Tenant management workflow solution

Tenant management

The 'Tenant management' workflow assists in the process of capturing new tenant's details and collecting monthly rent.

A step-by-step guide to Tenant management

This guide will explain the 'Tenant management' workflow step by step.
It makes use of numerous screenshots, but if you'd like to follow along in the Kotive webapp, you can sign up and copy the workflow into your account for free.
Keep the workflow open in a separate tab in your browser, and interact with it while reading the steps in this guide.

Section 1: A new tenant

In this section, the details of a new tenant is captured, and they're billed for their first rental amount.

Tenant capture

The first part of this form is a paragraph that's titled: !!! IMPORTANT CHANGES you need to make BEFORE running this workflow: This paragraph contains instructions on how to personalize the workflow for you and your company. If you intend to run the workflow, these changes can not be ignored.

Next you'll notice a faded out field. This is called a 'hidden field'. This field captures information without displaying it to the user and makes the information available to other tasks in the workflow.

The workflow starts when a logged-in user fills in this form with the details of a new tenant.
Tenant capture

Bill for rental

On the date when the bill should be sent out, the logged-in user inserts the date into the field provided, and saves the form.
Bill for rental

Email bill

The tenant receives an email informing them that their rent is due.

Kotive creates the content of the email by pulling in the tenant's details from the first form.

Let's start by looking at how the email is typed up. There are lots of normal looking text words, but there are also lots of rectangular, shaded in, blocks of text. What's the difference?

Well, the normal text is just that: normal text. There's nothing special about it. But the blocks of text are actually information that is being pulled in from the previous form. If you click on the text area of the email while in the webapp, you'll see that it changes and suddenly looks like a lot of code with lots of curly brackets { } and numbers. This code (also called dynamic field tags) is what tells these fields of text what they're going to end up saying. When this email gets sent to the tenant, it won't look like it does now, it will all be normal text, because the workflow will look at the previous form and put the information from that form into this email.
Email bill

Section 2: Receiving rent

The rental payment is marked 'Received' or 'Outstanding', and the tenant receives a confirmation email if applicable.


The rental agreement is reviewed, and the payment is marked either as 'Received' or 'Outstanding'.

If it's indicated that the payment has been received, then the 'Thank you' email task will be activated next. However, if the payment is still outstanding, then the 'Thank you' email task is ignored, and the 'Send reminder' sub-workflow is activated instead.

This is possible because of conditions.

Thank you

This email task has one condition:

Activate this task when...
'Reconciled?' IS 'Received'

This email will only be sent if the payment was marked 'Received' in the previous form task.

The tenant receives an email thanking them for making their rental payment.

If the payment was marked 'Received' in the previous form task, then the workflow is finished as soon as this email has been sent.
Thank you

Section 3: Late payment

In this section, the tenant is reminded to pay their overdue rent, which is then reconciled.

Send reminder

This sub-workflow has one condition:

Activate this task when...
'Reconciled?' IS 'Outstanding'

This sub-workflow will only be activated if the payment was marked 'Outstanding' in the 'Reconcile' form task.

Send reminder

Urgent reminder

The tenant receives an email reminding them to urgently make their rental payment.
Urgent reminder

Late payment recon

The rental agreement is reviewed again, and the late payment is marked either as 'Received' or 'Outstanding'.

This time, if the payment has been received, then the 'Please pay on time in future' email task is activated next. If the payment is still outstanding, then the 'Hand over' sub-workflow is activated instead.
Late payment recon

Please pay on time in future

This email task has one condition:

Activate this task when...
'Late payment reconciled?' IS 'Received'

This email will only be sent if the late payment was marked 'Received' in the previous form task.

The tenant receives an email thanking them for making their rental payment, and asking them to make payment before the due date in future.

If the payment was marked 'Received' in the previous form task, then the workflow is finished as soon as this email has been sent.
Please pay on time in future

Section 4: Hand over for collection

In this section, the rental payment is handed over to a collection agent.

Hand over

This sub-workflow has one condition:

Activate this task when...
'Late payment reconciled?' IS 'Outstanding'

This sub-workflow will only be activated if the late payment was marked 'Outstanding' in the 'Late payment recon' form task.

Hand over

Confirm hand over of tenant

The collection agent's details are filled in, and the total amount owing is edited as appropriate.

Confirmation is made to hand the tenant over for collection, and the form is saved.
Confirm hand over of tenant

Handing over

The tenant receives an email informing them that they've been handed over for collection.
Handing over

Email collection agency

The collection agency receives an email with the details of the payment that needs to be collected, along with a request to initiate collection.
Email collection agency

After the 'Handing over' and 'Email collection agency' emails have been sent, the 'Tenant management' workflow is complete.
Get started now and clone this workflow directly into your Kotive account for free.

The Tenant management workflow is automatically copied into your account when you select it. Want to make one or two changes to fit your situation better? No problem!