Financial Compliance in South Africa

"I knew there was a smarter way to manage financial compliance..."

The CRM for Compliance that automates administrative tasks and increases your business' growth capacity.

The OLD way

Copy&paste volumes of information between emails, multiple Excel spreadsheets, the FSCA's eportal and Compliance reports.

Keep track of when to remind who of what.

Visit every FSP 4 times a year.


Don't-repeat-yourself. Enter information only once and re-use it in multiple ways: automate profile changes at the FSCA, send automated & personalised reminders, and auto-fill Quarterly Compliance reports and the annual Conduct of Business report with relevant information.

Reduce the number of visits to FSPs by using integrated online surveys to assist in the continual monitoring of FSPs and their Reps.

Spend less time preparing for visits to FSP: all the information that has been gathered on an on-going basis by your team, the KI and Reps is available for your perusal in a single place.

Wrap-up visits to FSPs quicker: capture your findings and remedial recommendations in the system during the meeting, and send the Quarterly Compliance report to the KI before leaving their office.

Reduce manual effort & human error by automating pesky repetitive tasks such as repeatedly copy&pasting the same information to different Excel spreadsheets.

Access the right information at the right time 24/7, from anywhere.

Work with one source-of-truth for compliance-related information of all your FSPs and Reps.

Calculate your Return-on-Investment (ROI)

Don't just take our word for it.
Do your own calculations...

Change the values in our calculator (left below) to fit your business.
See how much time and money you can save and how you can increase your business' growth capacity.

Your company & clients
This includes Key Individuals, Representatives, Directors, Internal Compliance Contacts, etc.

Profile updates
Add, update or remove a Rep or KI from a FSP's profile on the FSCA's website.
The duration should include:
  • Gathering all the required information,
  • Copy & pasting the Rep/KI's information to the FSCA's FAIS ePortal or Excel,
  • Copy & pasting the Rep/KI's information to your own system (e.g. Excel),
  • Notifying relevant parties via email.
Compliance Officers using Excel for their own records estimated between 20 - 30 minutes.

Compliance reports
E.g. copy&pasting information from documents, emails and notes made during the Compliance Officer's visit to the FSP, and sending the report to the FSP.

FSCA site visits
(For this calculator we calculate one FSCA site visit at an FSP every 3 years.)

Access information
Scenario: the KI of a FSP calls you to confirm a Rep's information.

Compliance Officer site visits
Include the time travelling to and from the FSP, as well as the time spent at the FSP.

Notifications & reminders
Example: 6 weeks before a FSP's PI Cover renewal date, you send a reminder to the KI. In order to send this email:
  • You find your "PI Cover renewal" draft email template,
  • find the first FSP whose PI cover needs to be renewed 6 weeks from now,
  • find their KI,
  • copy&paste the KI's firstname into the email (Dear Joan),
  • copy&paste the KI's email address into the TO field,
  • copy&paste the FSP's name into the template,
  • copy&paste the date the PI Cover lapses into the template,
  • send.
In case studies participants averaged between 3 - 5 minutes to write and send a single email.

Conduct of Business Report (2019)
Industry estimates are that it will take up to 100 hours to gather the necessary information, review it and complete the COBR.
Your Return-on-Investment (ROI)


What can you expect from the system?

CRM for Compliance

All your FSP and Rep-related information is displayed in consolidated profiles for easy reference.

You get a bird's eye view of the FSP and/or Rep and you can add or make updates to the information without having to go somewhere else.

CRM for Compliance

Fit & Proper Competence

Record on a regular basis a Person’s Fit & Proper Competence in a single place.

You'll be able to demonstrate, with auditable records, that a FSP's Key Individuals and Reps have remained competent throughout the year.

Automated Profile Changes

Review a Rep's information, click a button and get the FSCA's Rep Import Excel in seconds*, ready to be sent to the FSCA. The Excel is auto-filled with all the Rep's information, qualification codes**, correctly formatted dates, slashes and semi-colons.

* Industry estimates are that it takes 20 - 30 mins to make a profile change: copy&pasting information from emails and documents into the FSCA's Rep Import Excel, your Register of Reps Excel and FSP's profile Excel.

** You'll never have to look up an institution or qualification code again.

Automated Profile Changes

Auto-filled Reports

Auto-filled Reports

Generate and download a Quarterly Compliance Report in Word that has been auto-filled with the FSP's relevant information available in the system.

In 2019, you'll be able to generate the Conduct of Business Report, including its appendices, in Word. The Report will be auto-filled with all the relevant FSP and Rep information, including calculated statistics, that are available in the system.

Continual Compliance Monitoring

Periodic surveys assist in the monitoring of compliance and are automatically sent to KIs, Reps, Directors and Internal Compliance Contacts.

Surveys are integrated with the FSP and Persons' CRM profiles. If, for example, a Rep completed a qualification, then the Rep's profile is automatically updated with the new qualification and the Rep remains Fit & Proper.

Continual Compliance Monitoring
Automated reminders

Automated reminders

Timely notifications are sent to remind FSPs and Persons of important dates such as PI Cover renewal, Levies to be paid to the FSCA, RE Exam deadlines, and others. The notifications are auto-filled with the right information for the right time.

FSCA audit

With all your FSPs and their Persons' information in a single place you can easily demonstrate and provide evidence of continual compliance through the surveys, registers, records, processes and their audit history.

FSCA audit
Multitenancy and access control

Multitenancy and access control

Manage all your FSPs in a single system. You decide whether to give a KI access to their FSP's information or not. Reps may also be given restricted access to their own information within a FSP.

Additional lists of functionality

Records, registers & processes
Automated reminders


Choose from a number of pricing options and pay-as-you-grow.

Use the system on a month-to-month basis with no long-term contracts. Cancel anytime.

Get a quote →

Upcoming functionality

Interactive Risk Management with real-time visualisation of the FSP's risk profile.

Integrated Record of Advice tool for Reps.


Our thinking on automation:

By identifying and automating repetitive tasks in your business processes you will reduce the amount of manual input needed to do the work and minimize human error. Nobody has ever flourished while mindlessly copy&pasting FSP & Rep details from Excel to Outlook.

You will free up valuable time and enable your team to focus on more productive work, making your business more competitive in turn.

You will be able to increase your business' capacity to handle larger volumes of work and serve more FSPs.

You get a competitive advantage over your competitors.

You will be more agile - able to adapt to legislative changes in the market much quicker. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.

Automate. Every second counts.