Integrate Woodpecker in your workflows


What does Woodpecker do?

Woodpecker sends your cold and follow-up emails automatically, but one by one as if you were sending them manually.

You get reply detection, unlimited number of prospects you can contact, and open and click rate reports.


Use Woodpecker in Kotive

First, create your outbound email campaign in Woodpecker and then start to send prospects to your campaign using Kotive.

You can add new prospects to your list or to a specific campaign, update their contact details or blacklist them, all as part of your workflow.

Learn how to easily integrate Woodpecker in your workflows →


Woodpecker tasks available in Kotive

Add a prospect to the campaign

Adds a new prospect to your outbound email campaign.

Add a prospect to the prospects list

Adds a new prospect to your general prospects list

Edit a prospect

Edit a prospect's information, to make sure you reach them.

Change a prospect's status to blacklist

Blacklist a prospect to stop future follow-ups.

The next step?

Sign up for free.
Then add and connect Woodpecker tasks to your workflows.


Ideas & examples

Include Woodpecker as a task in your workflow to add a prospect to one of your outbound campaigns as soon as you have a new lead. The prospect will then automatically receive your campaign's personalized introductory email as well as follow-up emails.


Mix and match integrations

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