Workflow recipes
Recipes for businesses, NGOs, education and everyday workflows. Permanent, agile and disposable workflows.
Claim expenses
Manage the reimbursement of expenses incurred by employees
Crowdsourcing translation
A non-profit translates children's literature into native languages
Hire an employee
Human Resources workflow to manage the employment of new employees
Interactive storybook
Experience the 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' in a different way
Mover's quote
A customer visits a webpage to request a quote
Online security quote
An embedded workflow on a security company website to manage quotes
Participatory development
Design-as-you-go workflow using IDEOs Human-Centered Design Kit
Pre-schooler evaluation
Teachers evaluate the progress of all pre-schoolers in their class
Request for leave
Human Resources workflow to manage leave request and contingency plan