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If a person is NOT subject to CPD →

By default, all Key Individuals, Representatives and Representatives under Supervision are subject to CPD.

You can now exclude a person who is not subject to CPD from CPD Reports in Kotive Compliance. How?

  • Go to the person’s profile under “People” in Kotive Compliance.
  • Click the blue pencil next to their “Profile information”.
  • Change the field “Is subject to CPD” to “No”.

The person will now be excluded from CPD Reports and it will reflect this status on their personal Fit & Proper profile.

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Company document & files →

Introducing a new way to manage your company’s documents & files:

  • Upload your company’s documents & files into the dedicated section within Kotive, add a description and indicate what type of document it is (e.g. Audit report, Client onboarding material, Compliance, Contracts and Agreements, Employee onboarding Manuals, Marketing Plan, Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Organizational Chart, Policies, Project Plans, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Training Manuals).
  • Set the document’s current status to e.g. Draft, In review, Pending approval, Approved, Rejected, Published, Archived or Withdrawn.

Communicate changes to role players and/or specific individuals (optional):

  • Select the “roles” within your company with whom you want to share the updated document and/or select specific individuals. Then describe what the changes are.

Assign to-dos (tasks) to the selected role players and/or individuals (optional):

  • Describe the action that the selected people need to take and set a due date. To-dos will automatically be assigned to the selected people and appear in their “Your to-dos” section in Kotive.
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Managing exceptions to the required CPD hours →

During a specific CPD reporting period, a Representative might only require a limited number of CPD hours/points (instead of the default 18 hours/points) due to e.g. sickness or pro-rata allocation of CPD hours.

These CPD exceptions can now be managed in Kotive.

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How to visualise your community's Covid-19 data on a Google Map →

In this tutorial we provide a step-by-step guide on the actions we took to map our community’s Covid-19 related data onto Google Maps.

We wanted to be able to share a visualised and interactive map with the people who coordinate our community’s volunteers. It had to show where our contacts live, what the size of their households are (do they live alone and need extra help?) and what their current health status is. Many of our contacts are elderly people.

We hope that this guide will be useful to someone, even if you use it to map data which is not related to Covid-19.

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How to refresh a Single Page Application (SPA) →

The Kotive web app pulses the server every 5 minutes to check if any new version of the app has become available in the meantime.

Until recently, we displayed a notification when an improved version of the app became available. The person needed to click the “Refresh now” button in order to refresh the page and get the latest version of the web app.

When the page refreshed, a brand new version of the web app would be loaded from the server and the person would then proceed with the task they wanted to do next. This new version was then cached in the browser for faster access in future.

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Announcing Kotive Learn - private beta →

Towards the end of 2019 we quietly started working with tertiary lecturers and course creators to design and create beautiful online courses for their students in our latest product called “Kotive Learn”.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve now entered private beta.

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Archiving a person's profile →

Sometimes, instead of deleting a person from the “People” section, and with them all the information related to their profile, you might want or need to keep a copy of that information although not inside Kotive.

You can now archive a person’s profile. One of the reasons you might need to archive a person’s profile would be for regulatory purposes - storing the information for a period of 3 or 5 years.

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